วันพุธ, พฤษภาคม 12, 2553

Elena Kagan's Got Lovers....In The Media

Who cares is Elana Kagen is gay (Well, over at Just One Minute, Ton Maguire posits a good reason to worry about a closeted gay Justice, but...) ? I'm less worried about the sex of the people she's been sleeping with than the type of people she's been sleeping with...

And it appears as if they have all been of one type. Media people!

"I first met Kagan in the mid-'90s when we were both former law clerks for Judge Abner Mikva on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit," wrote The New Republic's Jeffrey Rosen.
"Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan and I shared a dinner table once," wrote Washington Post writer Jonathan Capehart.

"Elena danced at our wedding in 1986," wrote The New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin. "When my wife, Amy, and I bought our first apartment, Elena’s father was our lawyer."

David Brooks wrote: "Kagan has many friends along the Acela corridor, thanks to her time at Hunter College High School, Princeton, Harvard and in Democratic administrations. So far, I haven’t met anybody who is not an admirer."

CQ's Seth Stern told MSNBC: "I was her student in administrative law class" at Harvard.
And, as Howard Kurtz
points out, she was even once a lawyer for the Washington Post.

The Washington Post's Al Kamen
notes that TIME magazine contributing editor Bart Gellman used to work alongside Kagan at Princeton University's Daily Princetonian newspaper.

Well, we've already pinned her as a sycophantic careerist, so it would completely be in character for her to assemble a cadre of supporters in the media for the day she would eventually need them. Then again, maybe I'm being a bit harsh - seems like a lot of these connections are just her Ivy League pals. But hey! Like Barack Obama said, she understands the law “as it affects the lives of ordinary people,” he said, adding that her presence will make the court “more reflective of us as a people than ever before.”

Because we all have dozens of Ivy League buddies manipulating public opinion to help us get ahead in the world...right?

Whatever serious questions are asked of Elana Kagan, you can bet none of them come from the mainstream media. Because they have a fellow alum to protect, and after all, it's not as if any of us "State University" graduates would dare be presumptuous enough to question their Ivy Leagues betters...
