วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤษภาคม 13, 2553

From Red Jersey to Red...Massachusetts??

And why not? If the state formally know as Blue Jersey can elect a fat Republican and swarm the voting booths upon his command to defeat bloated school budgets, why can't their regional neighbors see the light as well?

It's not just that this state of brave patriots tried to end the legislative abortion known as health care reform, it has followed up by replacing Scott Brown in the State Senate with yet another Republican. Bill Kristol reports:

Don't know whether you saw the news that Scott Brown's state senate seat was won handily by a Republican in a special election. That is bigger news than it might seem, and has many smart Democrats very worried about November.

You see, Scott's seat was by no means a safe Republican seat (there is no such thing in Massachusetts). It's true he was elected 3 times, but his long-term predecessor was a generically liberal Democrat. In sum, this suburban/exurban district is by no means part of the Bible Belt. And Richard Ross, the Republican, won with 62% of the vote.

But the fact is that there really is a Democratic machine in this state (and only a nominal Republican organization), so a "normal" special election should tilt toward the Democrats. With a weak incumbent Governor (whose best chance for survival is that his two opponents running against him from the right will split the vote), it's possible that 2010 could see a sea change in Massachusetts politics.

The Northeastern corridor walks itself to the edge of the plank with liberal governance holding a scimitar to the nape of their neck, but seeing California jump first, has whirled on its tormentors and has begun to fight back. New Jersey leads the way, with Massachusetts carrying the colors...who will fall in line next?

And in a once-shining, now-defiled city far away, secure in his seat of power and surrounded by self-serving sycophants, The One hears and sees nothing save for reflected tales of his own glory...

Part of me thinks Sideshow Bob had it right:

Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king...

Well, except for the "king" part. Someone tell Obama.

But if America has learned to discard their guilty consciences and vote with their heads, what in the world would attract any voter to the Democratic party?

They're in deeper dogsh*t than they even know....

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Conservative Libertine กล่าวว่า...

Let's work on Rhode Island too!

John Loughlin can win Patrick Kennedy's seat. Erasing the Kennedy legacy with Republican conversions would be a strong statement. Especially up here in Kennedy land.


I know he can do it!


ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I think that just about every seat is in play in this election. Political ideals are nice, but when you can't find a job or pay your bills, your ideals are not so important

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

And in a once-shining, now-defiled city far away, secure in his seat of power and surrounded by self-serving sycophants, The One hears and sees nothing save for reflected tales of his own glory...

Wow! Now THAT is one heck of a take-away quote!