วันพฤหัสบดี, ธันวาคม 24, 2552

The Yule Log !

As a kid, having not a fireplace, I would turn on the Yule Log on WPIX in New York, just to hear the fire crackling, listen to the carols, and feel as if I was in a real "holiday household".

Well, I'm kind of a grown-up now, and where ever I have moved, I have insisted on having a fireplace, wood preferably, gas if necessary (and although it doesn't come close to the feel of a genuine poppin' fire, but sometimes you just have to make do with what ya got). But for those of you who don't have the luxury, the JerseyNut presents...the Yule Log! No carols on this clip, just the roar of the fire, but maybe that's best - back it up with your own mix, or something streaming:

Merry Christmas...!
