วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 30, 2552

We'll Never Know What Hit Us....

...when the next terrorist attack arrives. That's because by insisting on treating jihadis as civilian criminals rather than war prisoners, they get to sit back, smirk, and say nothing. The administration, of course, continues to "hold out hope" that airline bomber Abdulmutallab will talk, because, well....they're being really really nice to him and have promised not to rough him up and are extending an open hand and have given him a lawyer and all the rights he never enjoyed anywhere else!

Marc Thiessen over at The Corner both mocks and points out the danger to you and I in the Obama administration's childishly naive approach to terrorism:

Holding out hope? Change his mind? Are they kidding? A terrorist like Abdulmutallab is not a common criminal who should be told he has the “right to remain silent.” He is an enemy combatant, who tried to commit an act of war against the United States of America. He possesses vital intelligence about the terrorist network that deployed him to attack America, and may be planning still more attacks. The Obama administration has a responsibility to make him give up that information. Treating him like a criminal is an abdication of that responsibility, and puts our nation at risk.

Abdulmutallab likely knows a lot more than he's saying, but thanks to Barack Obama, he won't be forced to say a word. We do know already there are dozens more like him planning similar attacks; wouldn't it be nice to know that your country had exerted the, ahem, "maximum effort" in extracting that information before your family gets on a plane?

Let's be even more clear: If they knew Abdulmutallab was getting the screws put to him and was likely singing, these terrorist training camps would already have folded their tents and dispersed, at least temporarily, to escape certain Death from Above in the form of a Predator missile. Instead, the training of Islamic radicals continues without a blip, as they act with the comfort of knowing Barack Obama has imposed the American legal system to protect them...

Remember that, the next time a plane fall from the sky...
