วันอังคาร, ธันวาคม 08, 2552

Chaos in Copenhagen...

But I am sure, once Congress takes control of health care and the EPA runs a top-down Soviet-style command and control economy, they won't run into the organizational issues that are going down in Copenhagen.

Via Tim Blair:

Greens senator Christine Milne encounters UN-style planning and efficiency:

In registration queue in Copenhagen.10,000 ahead of me and 7 registration staff.

Via Andrew Bolt:

Giles Parkinson:

Clayton Utz climate change partner Brendan Batemen copped the worst of it – one of hundreds of NGOs and BiNGOS (business types) forced to spend nearly three hours in 3 degree temperatures and nearly four hours overall in the queue.Freezing my arse off,” he lamented by text.

Katie Fehrenbacher:

It’s hard to feel some sense of warmth and companionship after waiting in hour-long lines in Copenhagen’s freezing cold weather (6 degrees C, a little above zero) to get a badge to attend the summit.

With our intellectual betters in the Democratic party running things, I am sure there will never be a line in a doctor's office, or an emergency room. Because they've got it all figured out, just like the folks who are running the Copenhagen scam...

How ironic, too, that these folks are crying about global warming in a place so cold that attendees cannot even stand outside without becoming metamorphosed into human ice blocks.

Would make a sane person question their original hypothesis....
