วันศุกร์, ธันวาคม 18, 2552

Barack Obama: Suicide Bomber

...as he commits to the economic destruction of America based on his warped worship of the theology of "global warming". You can question God, but you can't question Barack Obama or the tenets of the Church of Climate Change...from his remarks at Copenhagen:

We come together here in Copenhagen because climate change poses a grave and growing danger to our people. You would not be here unless you – like me – were convinced that this danger is real. This is not fiction, this is science. Unchecked, climate change will pose unacceptable risks to our security, our economies, and our planet. That much we know.

As the world’s largest economy and the world’s second largest emitter, America bears our share of responsibility in addressing climate change, and we intend to meet that responsibility.

We are convinced that changing the way that we produce and use energy is essential to America’s economic future – that it will create millions of new jobs, power new industry, keep us competitive, and spark new innovation.

So America is going to continue on this course of action no matter what happens in Copenhagen. But we will all be stronger and safer and more secure if we act together. That is why it is in our mutual interest to achieve a global accord in which we agree to take certain steps, and to hold each other accountable for our commitments.

....we must have financing that helps developing countries adapt, particularly the least-developed and most vulnerable to climate change. America will be a part of fast-start funding that will ramp up to $10 billion in 2012.

There is no time to waste. America has made our choice. We have charted our course, we have made our commitments, and we will do what we say. Now, I believe that it’s time for the nations and people of the world to come together behind a common purpose.

We thought we elected a moderate, postmodern, bipartisan president. The cloak has been thrown off; we are in fact ruled by a far-left "Green", who spouts every liberal trope in the book, and who demands the world come together (behind him!) and march under his banner; to prove his worth he will commit the ultimate act of liberal self-loathing: He will sacrifice the very people who made him king.

Noble. But insane. (and repetitive).

We're f*cked....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Beth Donovan กล่าวว่า...

This is not noble. It's pandering to the left.

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

This is not noble. It's the intentional destruction of the free market system.