วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 12, 2552

David Scott: Tagged with the wrong logo !

A swastika was found Tuesday painted on a sign outside Rep. David Scott's district office, an act the Georgia Democrat said reflects an increasingly hateful and racist debate over health care and should serve as a reminder for people to tone down their rhetoric...

'cause it's always about race, right? Except when you're a black conservative getting whomped by a gang of Democrat-inspired union thugs. Then you're just a "troublemaker", a "part of an angry mob".

Anyway - maybe there was another reason that Congressman Scott got swastika'd? Gotta go to the bottom of the article to learn this:

At an Aug. 1 community meeting in Douglasville, Ga., Scott angrily yelled at protesters who peppered him with questions and complaints about Democratic health care proposals. He has said he was upset that they interrupted a meeting that was supposed to be about plans for a new highway in the area.

Ah. Angrily yelled, indeed:

Maybe "Went batsh*t beserk on the people who hired him to represent them" might be a better description of Mr. Scott's recent relationship with the citizens of his district.

Anyway, the swastika is a big mistake, folks. It's completely the wrong symbolism.

This one is harder to do, but is much more appropriate for Representative Scott and his ilk:

And Democrats - please don't complain too loudly about this. After all, it was you guys who made this part & parcel of American politics, what with your constant comparison of one George W. Bush to Hitler and.or his henchmen.

Or, as your Dear Leader would say:

I don't want the folks who created the mess do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can
clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking."
