วันอังคาร, สิงหาคม 11, 2552

Jersey Town Hall Erupts With Emotion

Kudos to New Jersey Democrat Steve Rothman for getting out there in front of his constituents to talk about health care. Actually, one shouldn't be congratulated for talking to the people they are supposed to represent, but based on the cowardly duck-and-cover we have seen from Democrats nationwide, we appreciate the few that still have the manhood to go out there and do their freakin' jobs....

Rothman is in an interesting district - Hackensack, the Meadowlands - leans union, very blue-collar, and strictly middle class. See for yourself in this short video of his town hall meeting, held yesterday in Jersey.

Some interesting points:

- this is an angry mob? Age range seems to be 40-80, and while there is anger, there is no rage as described by the likes of Nanacy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.

-love the crowd support - Medicare? "BANKRUPT!!" Social Security? "BANKRUPT!!" And why should we give you (Rothman) control of our health care? No answer....

-very upsetting scene where the woman breaks down and cries towards the end over the possibility of American health care availability dropping to a Canadian-esque level, as she questions the total worldwide elimination of quality medical care...

- the end of the video shows some pro-nationalization folks outside the hall. Note the professionally-made signs, and their calls for a value-added tax (VAT) to pay from it. Holy Astroturf, Batman!

Rothman claims he has not made up his mind on the bill. As the leader of the Morristown Tea Party group points out at the end, if he is truly listening to the people he claims to represent, there is only one choice he can make when his name is called to vote....
