วันอาทิตย์, มีนาคม 30, 2551

Still Bloggin' on Baseball...

...following up on Thursday's theme, I guess....

Anyway - George Will is a "conservative" columnist - one who would have lost his job eons ago if worthiness was predicated on prediction accuracy - who writes better and smarter on baseball than on politics. In honor of Opening Day, he devotes today's column to the grand old game, complete with an obscure trvia quiz. Good stuff.

My favorite takes are these:

Bill Veeck, who did more for America in one night than most of us do in a lifetime (the night in September 1937 he planted the ivy along Wrigley Field's outfield walls), said that the great thing about baseball - aside from the fact that you do not need to be 7 feet wide or 7 feet tall in order to play it - is: Three strikes and you're out, and the best lawyer can't help you.....


Baseball, which provides satisfying finality and then does it again the next day, is a severe meritocracy that illustrates the axiom that there is very little difference between men but that difference makes a big difference.

Play Ball.

And may your favorite home team win 3-2 on a pinch-hit home run in the bottom of the 9th - unless they are playing my Mets, of course....
