วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 01, 2551

"Liberalism .... is totalitarian in nature"

So sayeth Rush Limbaugh, who makes some excellent points about the nature of this philosophy of cruelty which masks itself in the guise of rightousness:

...It is an effort to control everybody, or as many people as possible. It's based on the assumption that most people are blithering idiots and haven't the ability to lead responsible lives on their own.

This is fostered by willing accomplices in the news media who are constantly beating the drum of doom and gloom and fatalism and pessimism, and they have a lot of power in creating these negative moods that people have, not so much about their own lives, but about everybody else's.

The overall effort here is to dispirit and to depress people and to make people give up in attempting to achieve.
Listen to Michelle Obama in Zanesville, Ohio. She's basically telling people to give up. She's telling people who are poor to stay poor because there's just too much trouble in attempt to go acquire wealth. You might have to go borrow money, go to college, student loan. She's telling people to stay poor.
She wants people to stay poor. Why? I don't know if she has an inherent dislike for the country, she's got some bitterness, but she's also a liberal. She wants to be in charge of these people and their welfare.

This is how liberals get their votes. It really boils down to nothing more complicated than that, except it's hideous what liberalism does to the human spirit, it attempts to destroy it, even to the point of making enemies out of people who have achieved something, out of people who have become successful.

That about tags it. A liberal is one who feels that they know better than you how to run your life -confiscating your earnings becuase they know best how to spend your money, controlling your medical insurance because they know better than you what kind of health care you need, and limiting your speech becuase only they know what forms of it are dangerous or not.

A vote for them is an admission of your own inability to control your life, or even worse, a desire to abdicate responsibilty for your life. Both are symptoms of a society in trouble, and one that will face further decline.

Need proof? Look what liberalism has done to Europe - once the cradle of Western thought and ingenuity, now a listless continent that is literally dying off; its emptying husk filled by...radical Islamics.

Welcome to America's future?

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Way too many premature deaths

A new study by British researchers puts the United States dead last among 19 industrialized countries for preventable deaths before age 75 -- with 110 deaths per 100,000 people in 2002-03.

If the U.S. record matched those of top-performing France, Japan and Australia, 101,000 fewer Americans would die needlessly each year from causes such as diabetes, some cancers and infections.

"We are the only country in the study that doesn't have insurance for the whole population," says Cathy Schoen, senior vice president at the Commonwealth Fund, which funded the study. And high costs can lead even those with coverage to delay getting necessary care.