วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 11, 2551

Steamrolled !

Ah, the Spitzer material just writes itself:

Via Red Jersey, we get some wiseass Jersey wisdom:

Now, what I want to know is: what kind of whore costs $5500? I mean, that’s even more money than lawyers get, for essentially the same service.” – Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Eric comments further:

If this took place in New Jersey Spitzer would have used taxpayer money to pay for the hooker…

True enough.

Meanwhile, it seems as if this randy Democrat was no novice to whoring:

...investigators said Tuesday he was clearly a repeat customer who spent tens of thousands of dollars — perhaps as much as $80,000 — with the high-priced prostitution service over an extended period of time.

Wow. Eighty Gees on hookers. Wish I had that kind of fat cash to waste.

You know, I never knew that Democrats were so well off, what with the way they are always bashing the rich, you know? Is it all smoke and mirrors? I mean, Hillary's a millionaire, Obama's made seven figures as well, and Elliot Spitzer is wealthy enought to throw away over a year's salary (for an honest man/woman) on call girls without his wife even noticing.

Bleech. What a decadent lot.

Meanwhile, the question is, can today's 400+ point gain in the stock market be attributed to Spitzerfreuden ? If so, he's finally given soemthing back to the people from wh he has taken so, so much:

"He actually believes he's above the law," said Ken Langone, a former New York Stock Exchange director who now heads a small investment-banking firm. In his role as prosecutor, Mr. Spitzer sued Mr. Langone for his role in doling out the large pay package of former New York Stock Exchange CEO Dick Grasso. "I have never had any doubt about his lack of character and integrity -- and he's proven me correct."

After the news broke yesterday, Andrew Sabin, a friend of Mr. Grasso's who lives near him on Long Island, said he spoke briefly with Mr. Grasso's wife, Lori. "I said I'd buy Dick some champagne," said Mr. Sabin, owner of precious-metals firm Sabin Commodities. "I'm sure he's happy. I'm sure everybody on Wall Street is happy."

Mr. Sabin described Mr. Spitzer's alleged conduct as "the most hypocritical thing in the world."

Score one for rich conservatives, in their never-ending death match with rich liberals.

Of course, you and I, we both lose, but at least this way we can die laughing...

Yesterday's snark here.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

What that comic is suggesting to me is that the Statue of Liberty belongs to New York (which it does), especially given the quote, “If this took place in New Jersey Spitzer would have used taxpayer money to pay for the hooker…”

Because, if it DID take place in NJ, the statue in question in the comic would have had much larger, much crunchier Aqua-Netted hair, and in between statue gum-pops, would have been like, “Yo, you can't affawd me, ya slimy douchebag...I come from Somerset County!”

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

sniff...you speak of the girl of my dreams....