วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 20, 2551

So That's Where He Gets It From!

...it being Barack Obama's subtle anti-semitism, of course - which, incidentally, we pointed out some time ago here, before the media had heard of Samantha "Monster" Powers or Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Ouch - almost dislocated my shoulder patting myself on the back there...

Anyway - from Little Green Footballs, an interview with The Great Uniter's spiritual godfather, dated about a year back, where Wright recognizes that Barack might have to create some distance from him at some point. And we know whose fault that would be:

....I would understand. For instance ... he can’t afford the Jewish support to wane or start questioning his allegiance to the state of Israel because I’m saying the position we’ve taken in terms of Palestinians is wrong, and I think we need to revisit that. Just that kind of statement would cause negative repercussions in some quarters in terms of some supporters, in terms of some people he needs to support his election campaign...

So Obama's mentor refers to Jews as "those people"? Nice. Bit of a revelation, no?

Would someone else had referred to, say, black folks that way, there would be a fury of pseudo-rage unleashed from across the nation. No double-standard here, of course....

One must wonder what sitting in the pews of hate have done to Barack Obama's mind over the last 20+ years. Regardless, anyone who thinks this man will be any type of a friend to the Jews, let alone Israel, should be smacked Gilligan-style upside the head with a sailor's hat....

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How much longer can the MSM cover for this guy?