วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 10, 2551

"No one will stand with him" - The Spitzer roundup

That's from a Peter King (R-NY) comment on the mess that New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has soiled himself with. The whole quote as follows:

"I never try to take advantage or gloat over a personal tragedy. However, this is different. This is a guy who is so self-righteous, and so unforgiving. ... He has to step down. No one will stand with him." — Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.

Geez, was this guys disliked, or what? At The Corner:

That a man so versed in the blackmail style of prosecution would so readily open himself up to that dark art is, at the very least, extraordinary....That he lacked such wisdom—or ignored it—shows a reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the high office to which the people of New York elected him.

Of course, the lefties that support him, rather than face reality, have turned their sights on the boogeyman - rather, George W. Bush:

I have a very discerning internal alarm. and that alarm tells me that this story only hit the news because the NSA, or the FBI…was snooping on this guy because he is so on the record as a trust buster and corporate cop.
Mark my words…this has the Bush Administration’s fingerprints all over it…and if the MSM digs a little deeper, they will find what Congress is afraid to look for…evidence that Bush’s wiretap program has less to do with terrorists than it has to do with political foes.


The stock market may be battered, the dollar may be plunging, and the economy may be tanking, but there's a bull market in schadenfreude on Wall Street this afternoon. Even as the Dow was on its way to notching another triple-digit loss, whoops of joy erupted from the dispirited trading floors today on news of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's disgrace.

Details are still emerging, and it's uncertain how this will all shake out, but one thing is immediately clear: Spitzer has been hoisted by his own petard, brought down by the same kind of investigation he pioneered as a prosecutor...

Hillary Clinton moves fast, perhaps to avoid uncomfortable comparisons:

...Hillary Clinton has already delivered the first of many "You're dead to me, Eliot"-moments, sponging her campaign website clean of all mentions of Spitzer's endorsement last May.

Atlas knows no limits, and I dig it:

Dirty details emerge from the conversations of the Kristen, Eliot's femme noir. She said he wanted an "unsafe" sex act....

....Spitzer will be replaced by a blind liberal, isn't that redundant? David Paterson is his name. His record? Liberal with a capital L.

Kinda makes you want to look hard at the presidential nominee's VP's candidate, huh? Especially if one of them is named "Clinton"...

And finally, unasked-for advice from the guy least qualified to give it, another man who believes the law does not apply to him:

These are serious and disturbing accusations that are completely at odds with the man I know. They come as a complete shock. ... He will have to regain credibility not only with his family but with the public." — Democratic New Jersey Gov. Jon S.(as in "seat belt") Corzine.

Spitzer would be better served listening to Jim McGreevy. At least was smart enough to quit, and go off to a convent, or wherever it is gay nuns go.

Harsh, I know. But pride goeth....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

The alarmists at the Daily Kos are so full of shit up to their empty heads...Spitzer's bank noticed "unusual activity" on his account, and reported it.

Why elected officials in top leadership positions should be held to different standards than the rest of us (talkin' to YOU, Crash Corzine!) is a constant source of head-scratchage for me.

Apparently New York refuses to yield to New Jersey on anything...now we have our very own corrupt, lying, cheating asshole governor.


The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Well, at least the people of NY have enough sense to vote Republican (even if it's "Republican Lite") every now and then, with guys like Pataki, Rudy, and Bloomberg earning two terms. In NJ, folks are dead-loyal to a party that can't do enough to leave them for...dead!