วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 27, 2551

A Great Monday...

...or perhaps simply the "best play" ever? Certainly by a Chicago Cub.....

The yearis 1976. A grinning Jimmy Carter waits in America's wings, about to bring healing to a divided nation (hey! just like - ). And on a sunny spring day in Los Angeles, West Coast liberals are about to do their thing.

Or maybe not:

A great American.

Now Carlos Delgado, on the other hand....

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

That’s a great story — I’d never heard it before. There are some baseball players, and athletes in general, no matter how awesome they are on the field or at the plate, that I cannot open my heart to, for reasons such as that…Carlos Delgado is very high up on that list (Don't even get me started on Roger Clemens). Not that I long for anything in a post-9/11 world, except neutralizing the jihadists so they GTF away forever, but I just thought I’d point out the interesting contrast between an ungrateful little turd Puerto Rican athlete who plays American baseball in the USA having to be *forced* via stipulation to stand for God Bless America, versus a guy like Mike Piazza, who smacked the game winning homer in the first post-9/11 game at Shea, and not only brought about a measure of healing to a wounded nation, but also about made my heart burst with a supernova of love for my country and our great pastime.

There are very few instances in which I hate a New York Met because I think a person should considered themselves pretty darn blessed to wear the blue & orange of a team whose history is so rich and meaningful. However, cruds like George Foster, Armando Benitez, Roberto Alomar, Roger Cedeno and Mo Vaughan are on my personal New York Mets Douchebags Hall of Shame list (I’m torn over Tom Seaver, the Greatest New York Met Ever, and a known anti-war activist), and any ungrateful puke, like Carlos Delgado (who I used to actually like), who thinks God Bless America is a thing to be boycotted, could go pick up a broom handle and Spaldeen™ and smack it against a wall in San Juan somewhere by themselves, because I’m sure there are more than enough eager young American boys who can hit a home run or 30 a season, bat 280 or higher and would be happy to play first base for the Metropolitans.

I hate flag-burners, and schmucks who draw negative attention to themselves with civil disobedience and contempt for the country that gave them every opportunity that I'd go so far as to say they don't deserve because of their failure to show even so much as a shred of gratitude.

Erica กล่าวว่า...

BTW, do you realize (I just did!) that you've been blogging for three years as of this past March 24?

Mazel tov!!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

You remembered...aw,schucks!

Not to mention an excellent short list of Met anti-heroes.

I might add Bobby Bonilla, Vince Coleman,and of course the charming ladies man himself, Dave Kingman

Alas, at the time of this posting,7826 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes, and 19 seconds have passed since the Mets have won a World Series...

Again, thanks! I've been meaning to write a brief retrospective; but...maybe eventually.