วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 25, 2551

"The Gondor Strategy"

OK, so I read the "Rings Trilogy" like nine times, went to all the movies opening week, and own the overbearing and rather unecessary 16-disc set.

But I am still not a "Lord of the Rings" nerd...are we clear on that?

Nevertheless - when a proposition to save the world comes in the blessed form of a strategy derived from Tolkien's "Men of the West"; one must pay it some heed.

Via Gates of Vienna, we read the thoughts of one Dr. Furnish, and what he calls it the “Gondor Strategy”,which would entail setting a ‘Watchful Peace’ upon the bloody borders of Islam, as in Tolkien saga the most powerful human kingdom did against Sauron’s land of Mordor.

...the purpose of the majority-Christian parts of the planet uniting against the Muslim world would NOT be to impose democracy or in any way to change that civilization—much less to wage a new “Crusade” : “not conquest, not occupation, not ‘liberation’” but rather “feasible strategies of containment, even quarantine.”

A cordon sanitaire would be created around the Islamic sandbox until Muslims learn to play nice and stop inflicting both their near and far neighbors with anti-democratic, anti-women, anti-tolerance, and anti-modernist ideology—not to mention IEDs, assassinations and plane-bombs. And until that violent minority of Muslims obsessed with creating a global caliphate is eliminated, or at least convinced of the fruitlessness of their quest...

This strategy would be implemented by a Global Christian Alliance...

I love it, although it is hard to imagine it coming to pass. We would be damned by our own media as "Crusaders"; and few nations today have the backbone to stand tall against a charge of such political incorrectness. Better, to lay still and die quietly, so the press can write oodles of columns about "What killed the West?" or Who killed Christianity?", while never mentioning the true culprit or taking any responsibilty. Assuming, of course, their new masters allow them to write at all.

Still, I leave you with the ominous words of Boromir, eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor.:

“...it is by the blood of our people that your lands are kept safe...."

There are many that need reminding.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

If the western world is too PC to stand up to name calling while in the act of defending itself, it does deserve to fail. The evolution of culture does not alway favor the smartest - just ask the Romans, crushed by the barbarians. Or perhaps the gods punish decedance in favor of strength.

GUYK กล่าวว่า...

"Or perhaps the gods punish decedance in favor of strength."

Throughout the corse of human events the land has belonged to those willing and strong enough to take and hold it. When the culture becomes unwilling or unable to hold it the culture must either merge with the victor culture or fight to the death.

I don't figure any deity has a damn thing to do with it although the culture maybe inspired by the shamans using the name of the deity..ie current Islam.

I do believe there are two answers to fighting Islam..the first is indeed containment. But containment is difficult when the ragheads are sitting on enough of the earth's crude oil supply to use same as a weapon. Which brings up the best way to fight Islam..an alternative to crude oil. Without the money from crude oil the Islamics will have no funds to fight their wars of aggression or arm the Palestinians to do their fighting for them.

Our best option is to try to contain until we can develop that energy source..and then keep containing as they starve out.