วันพฤหัสบดี, สิงหาคม 16, 2550

A Polish Joke?

Don't get me wrong, it's the Poles pulling a fast one on dhimmi Europe - having lived so long under the lash, they refuse to play along with the self-destructive policies of the European Union:

A conference of UN NGOs (non-governmental organizations) on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to be hosted at the European Parliament this month, will be boycotted by Polish Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from across the political spectrum, who say that the conference is biased against Israel.
The meeting, set to take place at the European Parliament on August 30 - 31, has been organized by the UN’s
"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.“

Just the fact the the United Nations has a committe so named should be cause enough for its defunding...and just what are should we expect to see at this UN/EU joint event? Well, you would expect to get pasta at the Italian resturaunt, so you can imagine what is on the menu here:

...the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor organization said the upcoming conference as a rehash of the 2001 UN Durban conference on racism, which saw unprecedented levels of anti-Zionist rhetoric, and calls for Israel’s destruction.

The Poles confirm it:

”I will not take part in this conference. I saw the materials prepared by the organizers,“ Bronislaw Geremek, a Polish MEP, was quoted by Polish website, Europa21 as saying. ”Although there is no official statement that Israel must be pushed down to the sea there, the choice of subjects and the attitude towards the problems shows that it will be a biased, conflict generating conference. Actually we can call it anti-Israeli,“ he said.

Brave words:

”There is not the first such initiative. (The) Pro-Palestinian lobby is very active here. If in fact, the conference will become propagandist, Israelis can count on Poles," Boguslaw Sonik, another Polish MEP, said.

Brave people. At least the Poles fought the Germans (albiet on horseback, although many claim that to be a myth), unlike the fallow French, who allowed the panzers to roll into Paris untouched whilst they crouched under tables and soiled their little panties...

But I just love the fact that the Poles will not roll over and buy into the EU's appeasement addiction. They'll pay, of course, for missing a good opportunity to keep quiet - not from the Islamists, who know strength enough to run from it, but by the Europeans, who fear strength enough to punish it...expect a key EU ruling to go against them shortly...
