วันศุกร์, สิงหาคม 10, 2550

The Dead of 9/11: Advertising Fodder for Frogs

E-nough! reports from France on an ad campaign that uses the imagery of 9/11 in order to...trivialize 9/11. Screenshot below, E-nough! has the video:

Undrinkable water kills 8 million people every year worldwide - Make politicians move by signing the petition

And that's what counts as action amongst the left - signing petitions, applying bumper stickers, and wearing cause bracelets.

ARGH! That's not the point! The point is that American casualties -be it by land, sea, air or terror -are nothing compared to the fact some people, somewhere, can't get a cool bottle of Perrier.

A commentor points out the French did not use the 15,000 heat deaths in the summer of 2003 as an example of trivial suffering. Ah, because French lives are never trivial, nor are the lives of those whom lack a "cold tall one", but American lives, well, really...who cares about those?
