วันเสาร์, สิงหาคม 04, 2550

Bush, Ascendant...

...don't ever count my man W. out. Ever. OK?

I thought Bush’s approval at 34%, Democratic Congress 14% was funny, but the new numbers from the Zogby poll are ridiculously low.

Nelson Muntz said it best.

The survey said:
Survey shows just 3% of Americans approve of how Congress is handling the war in Iraq; 24% say the same for the President
Bush’s Iraq policy has 8 times the support the anti-Bush policy of Pelosi-Murtha-Clyburn-Reid-Byrd.

Congress has no mandate. No one likes them. They are the Jimmy Carters of Congresses.

Classic. And so is this:

The House rejected a Democratic proposal [on eavesdropping]opposed by President Bush that would give him that authority for only four months. The largely party-line vote in favor of the bill was 218-207, short of the two-thirds majority needed under rules limiting debate.

Senate Democrats, meanwhile, prepared to concede to a bill supported by the White House limiting that authority to six months. It also would allow the director of national intelligence and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to carry out the expanded eavesdropping for four months before a court signs off on it...

Senate Democrats backed off their initial demands to have the surveillance process reviewed by the FISA court before overseas eavesdropping without warrants could begin. Instead, the bill headed for passage there largely mirrors what the Bush administration wanted.

Watching Democrats (and the media) flail around, helplessly, against George W. Bush is the closest one will ever get to watching Don Quixote tilt at windmills....

UPDATE: Rather than credit the Bush Administration with a win, or speak of how safe from attack the nation has been with Bush's domestic anti-terror agenda, the Washington Post ( in a "news" article!) displays its disappointment with democracy:

The Senate bowed to White House pressure last night....

The 60 to 28 vote, which was quickly denounced by civil rights and privacy advocates....

Privacy advocates accused the Democrats of selling out ...

Democrats "have a Pavlovian reaction: Whenever the president says the word 'terrorism,' they roll over and play dead," said Caroline Fredrickson, Washington legislative director of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Gregory Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy and Technology, predicted that the bill's approval would lead to the monitoring of ordinary Americans by the National Security Agency...

Wow. And the Left calls the Republicans "scaremongers". Funny how quickly they get desperate when they come up against their chief nemesis...
