วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 27, 2550

I would like to introduce you to Spec. Alison K, 2nd Infantry, United States Army:

I stupidly assumed that she must be a rear-echelon soldier with a job at the embassy or somewhere like that -- she was petite, blonde, and looked like a more likely candidate for Princeton's Cottage Club than for combat.

I was dead wrong about that....

Tough? You don't know tough until you've met Alison...

UPDATE 8/29: Sometimes if a story is too good to be true...

I don't believe in deleting posts, so I have de-linked the story, as per the author's request. See below, and in the comments section:

After looking further into the specialist's story and hearing from other soldiers in 2-2 ID, I'm all but certain she was making up large parts of what she told me. I would appreciate it if you would remove the link, since spreading the story only denigrates the real sacrifices of 2-2 ID's soldiers.

Done. Sorry, folks. Wesley, you're still doing a great job out there...

Update 8/31: Mr. Morgan goes into more detail here .

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Wow! What a story, what an all-American girl!
I will pray for her, though, it sounds as if she will need it.

Tintin กล่าวว่า...

After looking further into the specialist's story and hearing from other soldiers in 2-2 ID, I'm all but certain she was making up large parts of what she told me. I would appreciate it if you would remove the link, since spreading the story only denigrates the real sacrifices of 2-2 ID's soldiers.

Thank you,
Wesley Morgan

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Thanks, Mr. Morgan, for having the sense of responsibility to correct erroneous reporting. Would be that the mainstream media had that same courage, or moral grounding.

Keep up the good work! You've made a fan!