วันพฤหัสบดี, สิงหาคม 30, 2550

Gun Nuts !

Over at Alphecca.com, Jeff Soyer is picking on the gun nuts again...how typically cruel of the right-wing blogosphere. He tells us of a anti-gun protest in Seattle that drew two -count 'em! two! - protesters, as well as similar uncomfortable incidents around the country:

...the Philadelphia Inquirer reported “dozens” at a rally there though organizers claimed that 200 showed up.
The Washington Post
reports “dozens” as well at a protest outside Realco Guns near Washington DC.
The Lower Hudson Online (NY) says
about 40 showed up in a Yonkers, NY protest.

One of the larger rallies, in Maryland,
drew a hundred according to the AP which also was the only story I’ve found — so far — to mention that there were counter-protesters. Well, actually, they didn’t mention it in the text but there’s a photo of them to the left.

Considering all the advanced publicity that the liberal media provided free of charge to Jesse Jackson, the Brady Bunch, and other organizers of these scattered events, yesterday must have been a bummer to them.....

Amazing that the media would even cover events and protests that only draw 24-48 people, max. For the life of me, I can't figure out why....

It's hurtful, that's what it is. The media should stop shining their humiliating spotlight on such small groups of demented people, so obviously bereft of any support from the public, and allow these poor folks to wallow in their mental disease away from the public eye...

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- and think of all the non-liberal causes and marches that draw thousands that the liberal media just closes its eyes to.