วันศุกร์, มกราคม 06, 2549

Who's "Broken" Now, John Murtha ?

Usually, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff steers clear of politics. However, General Peter Pace took a reporter's question as an opportunity to show traitorous spitbag John Murtha how damaging he has been to the country he claims to love, and the troops he claims to support:

A Democratic congressman's remarks about the military are damaging to troop morale and to the Army's efforts to rebound from a recruiting slump, the nation's top general said Thursday.
Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked at a Pentagon news conference to comment on remarks by Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa...Pace was asked specifically about an ABC News interview this week in which Murtha, 73, said if he were eligible to join the military today he would not, nor would he expect others to join.

[How vile...urging young Americans not to defend their country...has any congressman in recent years ever sunk lower?]

"That's damaging to recruiting," Pace said. "It's damaging to morale of the troops who are deployed, and it's damaging to the morale of their families who believe in what they are doing to serve this country."
Pace called the news conference to discuss his weeklong trip to Iraq and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf region. He said he found good troop morale and a "quiet confidence" that U.S. efforts in Iraq were on the right track. He added that Murtha's comments were among the first things he heard about upon returning Tuesday.
Military officers usually are reluctant to get drawn into political debates, but Pace said Murtha's remarks about recruiting are relevant to his responsibilities as Joint Chiefs chairman.

Pace praised the congressman's record but criticized his remarks:
"When a respected individual like that says what he said, and 18- and 19-year-olds look to their leadership to determine how they are expected to act, they can get the wrong message," Pace said.
Aides at Murtha's Johnstown, Pa., office did not immediately return a call for comment.

What a disgrace; I hope the Republicans pounce on Murtha's remarks and play them over and over during the '06 campaign season, while reminding folks that Nancy Pelosi stood shoulder to shoulder with this guy as he demanded the immediate surrender of American troops in Iraq.

Gateway Pundit show us how Murtha is directly supporting Saddam Hussein; the old tyrant is now taking his talking points straight from Murtha:

The Iraqi people are patriotic; they cannot accept foreign rule.
-Saddam Hussein January 4, 2006
Iraqis are strongly opposed to the presence of coalition troops... We need to turn Iraq over to the Iraqis.
-Representative John Murtha November 17, 2005

Now the US will think a thousand times before daring to attack another country.
-Saddam HusseinJanuary 4, 2006
I admit I made a mistake when I voted for war.
-Representative John MurthaDecember 1, 2005

Clink the link (here: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2006/01/saddam-hussein-borrows-rep-john.html) for more of how Murtha's poison is directly affecting the war effort...another Democratic "patriot", indeed...

Link to General Pace's comments at The Corner here: http://corner.nationalreview.com/06_01_01_corner-archive.asp#086101
