วันเสาร์, มกราคม 14, 2549

France, In Decline...

Via No Parasan!, we visit the site of Joel Shepherd, a sci-fi author who gives his take on the current mood in France:

France has been going down the tubes for years. Finding out why is easy -- the French Statist, centralised system simply doesn’t work in the modern, globalised world..
My French teacher at the language school on Boulevard de Grenelle is well aware of the malaise...Her favourite topic for discussion in class? ‘France en reinseignement’... or France in decline, broadly speaking. The politicians are crooked, the unions are always striking, the schools are no good, unemployment is terrible and the government doesn’t give people any freedom. Clearly she loves her country, she’s just annoyed that it doesn’t always function as advertised.
A lot of young French people appear to feel the same. Whatever the traditional French disdain for private enterprise, commerce and business degrees are amongst the most popular university courses. Many graduates then leave the country for better opportunities elsewhere, the kind of brain drain usually found in poor developing nations. Everyone seems to want to learn English...

Now, however, that youthful disillusionment is driving a new force in France, a force that has been largely dormant since the Revolution. That force is liberty....

Quick break to show the face of one of France's new Libertarians, Miss
Sabine Herold :

Nice - but how does libertarianism become almost revolutionary in a free society? Shepherd explains:

The French Revolution didn’t just lop off the king’s head, it enshrined the State in his place as the new sovereign... In France, someone is always in charge. Today, the bureaucracy is bloated and all-powerful. Bureaucrats rule their petty fiefdoms like little Napoleons, and the state regulates everything it can see. Welfare rules the lives of millions, and entrepreneurialism as understood in Australia or America is almost non-existent. People don’t just go out and do things, people wait to be told what to do...

People wait to be told what to do. This is what holds France, and most of Europe, back. This is why I have said before that if Europeans were flying on 9/11's Flight 93, there would never had been a heroic rebellion, only a few thousand more dead Americans.

Can the lady Herold and her fellow libertarians turn things around in France, and prevent its eventual submission to the radical Muslim multitudes? Or will the French quietly nod their way into decline and oblivian?

Think that France isn't at this crossroads yet? Take a look at the New Year's Eve postcard E-nough! sends from Paris:

Rioters challenge police under the Eiffel tower during clashes following New Year celebrations in Paris January 1, 2006. (REUTERS)

It's getting late early in France...

Joel Shephard here: http://www.joelshepherd.com/2006/01/liberte-cherie.html

E-nough! here: http://www.e-nough.hmdnsgroup.com/archives/001191.html

No Parasan! here: http://no-pasaran.blogspot.com/2006/01/persistent-heaviness-of-being.html

UPDATE: Gateway Pundit points out that as the US sees less crime, France (and Europe in general) grows ever more violent! Sacre Bleu, will the indignities ever end? Click here -http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2006/01/after-45000-torched-vehicles-in-05.html - there's a lot of great links in Pundit's post...
