วันจันทร์, มกราคม 16, 2549

Gore Rants, America Smirks...

..and thinks, 'there but for the grace of God, he may have been our President!". Perhaps the second angriest politician in America (behind Teddy Kennedy, whose viciousness may be simply disguised self-loathing), Gore spent his MLK day bashing the President with hackneyed buzzwords, certain to enrapture him to his loony base while drawing little but yawns from the general populace:

Former Vice President Al Gore asserted Monday that President Bush “repeatedly and persistently” broke the law ...
...“a threat to the very structure of our government” Gore charged...
Gore said that Bush’s actions represented a “direct assault” ...

OK, heard it all before, from Dean, Pelosi, Kennedy...all the usual suspects. Hey Al, maybe if you tried to be even louder and shriller, maybe someone (besides the MSM) would pay you some attention! Like that time you held a global warming conference in NYC on the coldest day of the year, shrieking all along that the cold was due to the heat...wait, bad example....

Anyway, the RNC puts him firmly in his place:

Tracey Schmitt, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, shot back: “Al Gore’s incessant need to insert himself in the headline of the day is almost as glaring as his lack of understanding of the threats facing America. While the president works to protect Americans from terrorists, Democrats deliver no solutions of their own, only diatribes laden with inaccuracies and anger.”

There but for the grace of God, indeed...

Link here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10878885/
