วันพุธ, มิถุนายน 15, 2548

Questions on a Jersey Summer Eve...

Who said the following:

Right now we have a White House and a majority in Congress who are systematically weakening the democratic traditions and institutions on which this nation was built. They are turning back the clock; they are tearing down the building blocks of democracy ... turning the clock back on the 20th century. Turning the progress back beyond Franklin Roosevelt, even beyond Teddy Roosevelt."

Was it..
-Democratic Party leader/nutjob Howard Dean?
-Liberal Bombthrower Michael Moore?
-Hollywood patriot Sean Penn?
- Presidential Candidate-in-Waiting Hillary Clinton?
-Racist New York Democrat Charles Rangel?

I guessed Dean; I was wrong…see this story by Michael Goodwin http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/318288p-272071c.html to see who the culprit was; and how in tune they are with the psycho-left-fringe element of the Democratic party…

Did you know

Did you know that the Iraqi government employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been built in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consist of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

See Atlas Shrugs
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2005/06/bdid_you_know_o.html for the complete list; and for an explanation of why you do may not be aware of these milestones…

And are you one of the few that spends many a sleepless night staring up at the ceiling and wondering, “Why, why do they hate us?”??

Well, David Medienkritik can give you a reason:

A fictional crime drama based on the premise that the Bush administration ordered the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington aired this week on German state television, prompting the Green Party chairman (!?) to call for an investigation…

Sunday night's episode of "Tatort," a popular murder mystery that has been running on state-run ARD-German television for 35 years, revolved around a German woman and a man who was killed in her apartment.

According to the plot, which was seen by approximately 7 million Germans, the dead man had been trained to be one of the September 11 pilots but was left behind, only to be tracked down and killed by CIA or FBI assassins. The woman, who says in the program that the September 11 attacks were instigated by the Bush family for oil and power, then is targeted, presumably to silence her. The drama concludes with the German detectives accepting the truth of her story as she eludes the U.S. government hit men and escapes to safety in an unnamed Arab country.

As ludicrous as it may sound to most Americans, the tale has resonance in Germany, where fantastic conspiracy theories often are taken as fact…
The U.S. Embassy in Berlin was not impressed with the latest episode, which seemed to use haunting Arabic music to portray Arabs and Muslims as innocent victims of American aggression

Somewhere (in Hell), Herr Goebbels is smiling…
Link here: http://medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2005/06/green_party_sid.html

1 ความคิดเห็น:

The probligo กล่าวว่า...

Like so many others the "why does everyone hate Americans" looks no further back that 9/11.

In truth, the US was sh!tt!ing in its own international nest way before that singular event.

Just think for a moment...

The socialist government of Chile removed by the Chilean army with direct sponsorship and involvement of CIA staff - admitted by Chilean army officers. The result was the Pinochet regime, now (at last) on charges for crimes against humanity.

El Salvador and Nicaragua. Remember Iran - Contra? For the life of me I can't remember who drove that exercise...

What about Panama - the covert removal of a national leader on drug charges. Should perhaps have been a practice run for Iraq2.

Israel - a world of proof in its own.

Haiti - why?

Grenada - why?

Somalia - sublime ignorance.

The isolation of Cuba - has achieved what? Cuba now is really no poorer than Nicaragua or Columbia.

The invasion of Cuba - the Bay of Pigs. Achieved what?

Algeria - trying to bomb Ghadaffi out of his office.

Vietnam - more lessons in futility.

If I apply my mnd, there are probably many more...