วันเสาร์, กันยายน 29, 2555

What will we get, with a second Obama term?

Over at The Hill, some Democrats discuss their legislative fetishes - my translations in caps:

“He's got to continue to concentrate on jobs,” Rep. Bill Pascrell said last week as the House was leaving town for a long, pre-election recess. [MORE STIMULUS!]

“I'm hoping he'll do immigration reform,” said Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas). [FLOOD THE NATION WITH ILLEGALS, ENSURING A PERMANENT DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY!]

“We should get back to an energy policy – one that acknowledges that climate change is real,” said Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.). [$8-/GALLON GAS!]

“The critical issues will be revenue generation … and … a concerted push on immigration reform,” said Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.). [HIGHER TAXES! AND A PERMANENT MAJORITY TO KEEP THEM HIGH!]

“I think he'd want his administration to start on healthcare,” said Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.). [OBAMACARE IN FULL EFFECT!]

Only the tip of the iceberg, alas.  Remember how Obama breathlessly told the Russians he'd have "more flexibility" after he is re-elected?  Flexibility to do what?, we asked (since the media refused to).

Oh, we'll find out soon enough, I reckon....especially if Mitt stays on the floor, curled up in a ball...
