วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 30, 2555

Props To CBC !

...that's Conservative Blogs Central, an aggregator of some of the lesser-read conservative sites, which perhaps don't get the readership or linkage they deserve.  They've kept me up on the masthead as the "featured blog" for the entire month of September, which, not coincidentally, has turned out to be a good month for this blog - my third highest ever in terms of visits.  And while a blogger cannot complain when he has been linked by the likes of Legal Insurrection, The Other McCain, and Michelle Malkin (but alas, never an Insta-lanche!), every mention helps.  And my Sitemeter certainly indicated that CBC directed some nice traffic here on a daily basis.

Give them a visit (linked above, and perma-linked on the left sidebar) and click through to some of their featured blogs.  You may be surprised how widely dispersed the talent is out there...
