วันศุกร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 17, 2555

Scott Brown Shows Some Guts, Gets Some Glory...

When Scott Brown started going wobbly on his conservative principles, the electorate went wobbly on him.  Why elect a half-liberal when Massachusetts is chock-full of the real deal?  But Brown drew the line on the Obama Administration's HHS contraceptive/abortion mandate, and went on the attack against the Left, and his unofficial 2012 rival, the detestable Elizabeth Warren:

One of our most fundamental rights as a people is the freedom of religion. It was right here in Plymouth, Massachusetts that pilgrims from Europe established a colony because of religious persecution at home.

Now, it is Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren who has assumed the mantle of oppressor. She and her allies on the left are dictating to Catholics and other people of faith that they must do as they are told when it comes to health care or face the consequences, regardless of their personal religious beliefs.

The HuffPo:

Brown is a co-sponsor of an amendment to the Affordable Care Act by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) that would allow employers to exclude any health service coverage they claim would violate their religious or moral convictions. Warren has denounced the bill, which she said would deny basic health care to families.

That's some logic set you've got there, Elizabeth. Fairly typical of what Harvard produces these days, I reckon. Can I answer you with Glenn Reynolds' now-famous rejoinder?

It’s as if we passed a law requiring mosques to sell bacon and then, when people objected, responded by saying “What’s wrong with bacon? You’re trying to ban bacon!!!!"

"Why have you forced this wretched yet incredibly tasty and fulfilling meat down my throat, oh mighty Barack Hussein?"

How in good conscience can Elizabeth Warren deny women of any religion the right to access a "bacon bra?"

So how has the people of the great liberal state of Massachusetts responded to what Warren has called an "extremist" position by Scott Brown?

Republican Scott Brown (49 percent) has a 9-point lead over Democrat Elizabeth Warren (40 percent), according to a Suffolk University/7NEWS (WHDH-Boston) poll of likely general election voters in Massachusetts. Nine percent were undecided, and 2 percent would choose someone else.

Brown also showed significant leads over two other potential Democratic candidates, besting Marisa DeFranco 55 percent to 22 percent and Jim King 57 percent to 21 percent....

In the popularity contest, Brown recorded a 52 percent favorable rating and a 28 percent unfavorable rating, compared to Warren’s 35 percent favorable and 28 percent unfavorable rating

Looks like the people know an extremist when they see one.  Don't go wobbly, Scott...

Interesting that the Huffington Post piece links claims a tie in this particular Senate race, and links to an older poll. But did you notice that the media has gone a bit quiet lately on the HHS contraceptive/abortion mandate, and aren't trumpeting new pro-Obama polls every five minutes?

I wonder why...?