วันพุธ, กุมภาพันธ์ 08, 2555

NJEA Head Sneers At Poor: "Life's Not Fair - No Vouchers For You!"

Vincent Giordano, the head of the New Jersey Education Association, let his guard down in a moment of frustration, and let the truth slip out. He's on the New Jersey Capitol Report, with the issue being school vouchers for the poor who wish to get out of failing New Jersey public school. Can't have that, as Giordano explains (video at the link):

Host: The issue of fairness, I mean this is the argument that a lot of voucher supporters make. People who are well off have options. Somebody who is not well off and whose child is in a failing school, why shouldn't those parents have the same options to get the kid out of the failing school and into one that works with the help of the state?

NJEA boss Vincent Giordano: Those parents should have exactly the same options and they do. We don't say you can't take your kid out of the public school. We would argue not and we would say 'let's work more closely and more harmoniously' …

Host: They can't afford to pay, you know that. Some of these parents can't afford to take their child out of these schools.

Giordano:  Life's not always fair and I'm sorry about that.

Funny how liberals always talk about fairness as it relates to their policies of shaking down the upper and middle classes in order to redistribute funds to their politically favored groups. But when fairness involves giving the poor an option to take their education to a non-union school, well...it seems like liberals don't really care much about the poor, do they?

Guess they agree with Mitt Romney. Although I'll doubt highly that this revelation will get 1/1000th of the coverage of Mitt's honest response...

Want to see how a conservative views the relationship between the poor and their schools, and how a liberal sees it? Compare and contrast Chris Christie with Vincent Giordano:

Via MoreMonmouth Musings...

Jonathan Tobin at Contentions weighs in to remind us who's really running this crooked game:

Obama and his teachers union allies are determined to defend the public school monopoly at all costs and oppose all efforts to allow parents to use state aid to educate as they think best. Their top down model suits the unions and their liberal political allies but not the nation’s children. Their answer to the needs of the poor who are victimized by failing public schools is always a form of the “life’s not always fair” answer given by Giordano even when it is not uttered with such shamelessness.

The question that must be put to them remains the same that advocates of choice have been asking for decades: Are not the children of the poor made in the image of God the same as that of the wealthy? And if so, how dare our nation’s leaders and educators value their liberal ideological prejudices in favor of state schools over the best interests of the children
