วันศุกร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 03, 2555

Michael Bloomberg: Green For Thee, Private Jets For Me!

New York's nanny-in-chief is pretty big on making New York City a "sustainable" city (which means whatever one wants it to mean, as long as it includes higher taxes and greater inconveniences): he's built miles of bike lanes (which are injuring pedestrians left and right), introduced hybrid cars to the NYPD (allowing suspects on foot to unrun them), and dreams of a harbor where "when Lady Liberty looks out on the horizon, she not only welcomes new immigrants, but lights their way with a torch powered by an ocean wind farm..."

But how devoted is Mayor Bloomberg to living the green life?  Turns out he's just another poseur, putting on a show for the press monkey while living la vida loca he denies everyone else:

Mayor Bloomberg and a host of highfliers will pack private jets Sunday to head to the Super Bowl.

Arik Kislin’s private charter firm JFI Jets has five planes booked from New York this weekend, costing $19,000 per plane for a round-trip.

When Bloomberg and gal pal Diana Taylor touch down, Hizzoner will head to Lucas Oil Stadium,
sources say, where “Meet the Press” is shooting remotes on the field. The mayor will be a guest along with Indiana GOP Gov. Mitch Daniels.

Many New York jet-setters are hitting Indy just for Sunday. “The city doesn’t have enough luxury hotels,” sniffed one VIP.

Betcha Mayor Mike will be home in time for hot chocolate Sunday night. But what is the price to his poor, precious planet?

...while jets are making life easy for the rich, they’re making life miserable for the rest of the country. The reasons include  pollution... An hour of flying a private jet burns as much fuel as an entire year of driving a car, the report says, contending that four passengers flying in a Citation X from L.A. to New York will each contribute five times as much CO2 as a commercial-airline passenger.

And what about two passengers, which is all the Mayor's flight is carrying?  Well, we can do teh math, and it always adds up the same: The cost of green, "sustainable", living must be borne by the people so that the elite do not have to change their mega-consumption lifestyle.  Now open wide, and take it:
