วันอังคาร, กันยายน 13, 2554

NY-9: "Tea Party Turner" getting a hell of a lot of support from...Democrats

Yeah, I was in the car for about ten minutes this morning, and I heard about five ads by Democrat David Weprin using the "Tea Party" moniker for Bob Turner.  Sounded desperate to me, actually, but I don't know how it played in Sheepshead Bay or in Breezy.  Being that I spent part of my childhood there, and still have friends and family there, I can tell you one thing:  They ain't stupid.

The New York Times does some man-in-the-street exit polling, and it all seems to be going in one direction. Call it a right turn in Brooklyn:

Indeed, the overriding question on Tuesday was how many voters would turnout for the special election – and how many them would be frustrated with Mr. Obama and choose to vote for Mr. Turner as a result.

On Mr. Turner’s home turf, at least, several voters appeared to fall into that category. “I crossed over,” said Bill Schwick, 69, a registered Democrat who was drinking a cup of coffee at the Breezy Point Cooperative Activity Center, across the street from St. Thomas More Church where he had earlier voted for Mr. Turner.

“We’re all hopeful that a candidate will be responsive to our needs,” Mr. Schwick said. “I think he’s got some good stuff, some good ideas going.”

Asked if there was any chance she had voted for Mr. Weprin, Pat Lind, 60, also of Breezy Point, said, “Absolutely none.”

“We need a change,” said Ms. Lind, a registered Democrat. It’s just too much. I’ve had it with the Democrats.”

They may be proud Democrats, but they are not blind Democrats.

A coda, of sorts:

The Weprin campaign deployed what it called an “army” of more than 1,000 volunteers around the district, and Mr. Weprin planned a busy day of campaigning -- though he could not vote, because he lives outside the district in Holliswood, Queens.

Finally, we re-introduce a tragicomic minor character, shuffling off-stage to a few hoots scattered between the mass indifference:

Boy, in that special election in New York’s 9th Congressional District, Democrat David Weprin just can’t catch a break. Now Anthony Weiner is admitting he voted for him.

In a report, it says that Weiner “showed up alone, wearing jeans and a blazer.” It’s bad when news reports need to emphasize you were wearing pants...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

Sheepshead Bay, baby! In da house! :D