วันพฤหัสบดี, กันยายน 08, 2554

NY-9: Dov Hikind Endorses...The Republican???

If the battle to replace disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner is any indication of how the 2012 general election is going to shape up, Obama and his motley crew of socialists ought to start polishing up their resumes. Because when prominent Democratic, Jewish politicians start endorsing Republicans and point to the president as the reason why, well...let's face it: It's only going to go downhill from here:

New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) crossed party lines on Wednesday to endorse Republican candidate Bob Turner for New York's 9th Congressional District seat over fellow Democrat Assemblyman Davd Weprin.

"I am endorsing Bob Turner because he represents the values of this district. I am supporting Mr. Turner because this is a rare opportunity for all those living in the 9th Congressional District, myself included, to send a message to President Obama about his failed, disastrous economic policies and his reckless policies toward Israel. "Mr. Turner's background as a businessman gives him a unique advantage in dealing with the major financial crisis in this country. His business acumen will be a welcome asset in trying to reduce the federal deficit. "I resent the scare tactics and code words being employed by the Democrats to frighten senior citizens and others into believing that Mr. Turner will interfere with Social Security and Medicare. Worrying seniors needlessly is beyond the pale. "I am a proud Democrat, but am not a blind one. There are times when a candidate of a different party can be more effective for the constituency. The race in the 9th Congressional District has proven to be one of those times. I am, therefore, pleased to support Mr. Turner in his bid for this seat."

Wow:  "Failed, disastrous economic policies", "reckless policies toward Israel" are scathing indictments of Obama, moreso coming from a fellow Democrat. That's gotta hurt,

The Hill find the endorsement significant:

The district’s community is more conservative than other Jewish communities around the country, especially on foreign policy and social issues, and tends to vote as a bloc, depending on whom its leaders support.

And for those who keep telling Republicans that social issues are a loser, and they should get with the liberal porgram, well...there is this:

"I will not support David Weprin," said the Brooklyn state Assemblyman

"Weprin basically used his Jewish orthodoxy to say gay marriage is OK. He used his orthodoxy to say gay marriage is kosher. That crossed the line," Hikind added.

From Hikind's endorsement above, I think this line is most key to the general in 2012:

"I am a proud Democrat, but am not a blind one"

Gently chide them to open their eyes. They may be Democrats, but most of them are still good Americans. They'll see...
