วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 18, 2554

"Day of Rage": Another Leftist Fail!

From FOX 5 in New York, a report on the "Day of Rage" protests that organizers hoped would bring Wall Street to their collective knees:

The second protest for the “Day of Rage” rally wasn’t nearly as big as the one held Saturday, as only about 300 protesters were on hand.

The number of protesters, many of whom camped out near the Stock Exchange, was college students who can’t find employment and want to see economic reforms.

Despite the sparse crowd, there were protesters from various organizations with signs and wanted their voices to be heard...

Don't you kids have curfews?            

The New York Post was a little less kind:

Only about 300 protesters, mostly college kids and aging hippies, showed up near the Stock Exchange for yesterday’s anti-Wall Street rally -- far fewer than the 20,000 that organizers of the so-called global “Day of Rage” had predicted.

Police barricades were put up to protect both the exchange and the iconic “Charging Bull” statue on Broadway. The barriers were hardly needed.

Mouth opened wide in anger, patriotic breasts perky with pride...

Pathetic.  Talk about the failure of liberalism to catch hold in the American psyche! Even with president Obama and the media running a non-stop class warfare campaign at a 24/7 clip for months/years, and with all types of so-called "organizational muscle" (funded by dubious donations) behind this rally, ordinary Americans could not have been less interested in participating.  Perhaps we've realized that college campus sit-ins - and faculty teach-ins -  are no substitutes for an executable, workable plan to right our economic ship.  And sorry - shaking a fist at an office building does not count as "policy"...  

Alas, failure is no deterrent for the perpetually stupid, and you can be sure this won't be the last futile protest of this kind.  Nor does the president seem to be allowing this rejection of his entire worldview to enter his consciousness, as his newest gambit it...a tax on the fat cats.

It's sad.  It would be funny, too, if these halfwits, dimwits, and nitwits weren't dragging the rest of us down with them...

Nice imagery, considering the suffering some parts of the East Caost suffered from Irene.  Still - they wanted a Hurricane of rage, they got a late summer shower of indifference...
