วันพฤหัสบดี, สิงหาคม 06, 2552

Obama Shows Bush How It's Done

And yet another example of Barack Obama's superiority over George W. Bush: His poll numbers are sinking way, way faster than W's ever did! From RCP:

After 6 Months, More View Obama's Presidency as a 'Failure' Than Bush's

A rather surprising finding from the newly released CNN poll. Question three on the national survey of 1,136 adults (which includes an oversample of African-Americans) asks, "Do you consider the first six months of the Obama administration to be a success or a failure?"

Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they believe the Obama administration is a "failure," while 51% consider it a "success" and 11% say it's still "too soon to tell."

An identical question was asked of the Bush administration in an August 2001 CNN/Gallup/USA Today survey. At the time, 56% said the Bush administration was a "success" while only 32% considered it a "failure...

"Rather suprising"? Only if the MSM is your only source of information...

And this is with an oversampling of African-Americans, who have been taught by the Democrats to ignore the teachings of Dr. King and view everything through the prism of race. Imagine the results of a truly balanced poll?

Ah, but the media doesn't like to produce those. They tend to thwart the narrative...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

You republicans have rapidly become a minority for this very way of behavior., keep up the good work (alienating the rest of americans) you are not our superiors! come back to earth., get out of your silver clouds., What caused the fall of the roman EMPIRE!!! politicians mistakenly put themselves first, above ALL the peoples needs. You have an insationable thirst for POWER. we're people not puppets. You have stuck each other in the back so many times for top dog title it's no wonder you can"t even see the needs of others. Your selfishness has pushed you back hold on to it & soon we'll finally be rid of you altogether; your wealth will have no meening nor value for you., when all you see are the backs of your victims every where you turn. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I'm a human being/american/father/husband; in otherwards; you have only seen me as a number like every one of us WE SEE YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE BECOME, NO MORE HIDING BEHIND THE INDUCING OF FALSE FEARS WHILE YOU STEAL LIVES TO FEED YOUR GREED! TRY GIVING BACK WHAT YOU'VE STOLEN !!! SHOW US YOU ARE HUMAN, GIVE (EVERYONE THE SAME KIND OF MEDICAL CARE YOU INSIST WE GIVE YOU) GIVE EVERYONE THE SECURE SAFE FUTURE YOU INSIST WE GIVE YOU (!) OR DO YOU STILL BELIEVE YOU'RE BETTER THAN US?- THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

You are a schmuck if you think any of us were given a damned thing. Why should we that forge ahead pull you along with us? Because you see us this way?