วันศุกร์, เมษายน 24, 2552

Regulation-MADD CEO to Take Over Highways?

The first and last bastion of American freedom - the open road - is about to disappear completely, if Obama's nomination of Chuck Hurley, CEO of Mothers Against Drunk Driving , gets passed through Congress.

Remember the days of driving the highway, wind in your hair, your gal by your side, engine purring, with nowhere to go and no rush to get there? Fuggedabout:

The nation's traffic-safety czar has broad powers to control the roads and road-going habits of Americans. Mr. Hurley has a history of pushing laws that harass millions of law-abiding citizens to ensnare a few lawbreakers. He supports returning the 55 mph speed limit to our highways as well as roadblocks and random pullovers to make sure drivers aren't doing anything wrong. This methodology is based on a presumption of guilt - not innocence - of the average driver who is doing nothing wrong.

Mr. Hurley has promoted a mania of overregulation at MADD. Absent from his advocacies is the principle that a punishment should fit the crime, or that a crime even needs to be committed to incur a penalty....

....As a result of MADD-fueled binges for tougher laws, extreme drunken driving punishments - such as loss of driving privileges, jail time, fines and legal fees beyond $10,000 - often apply to individuals who were not drunk and in some cases were not even driving...

Welcome to the the nanny state, my fellow Americans! Not only will the government now ration energy and healthcare, but your driving habits will be closely monitered by the overzealous equivalent of a religious nut. Have a cold beer in the first inning of the ballgame, leave during the 7th inning stretch, and Obama's boys will haul your ass off to jail.

This is not by accident, it is by design - how better to control people by making them constantly one inch away from breaking any one of a set of random laws, rules, and regualtions....

Personal responsibility? Freedom? Common sense? We The People possess none of these attributes, apparently, and must cede control of the entirety of our lives to Barack Obama and his apparatiks.

Amazing how quickly freedom can become slavery and democracy can become totalitarianism. There will be no hue and cry, we appear willing to simply...submit.

Ah, what's the difference? You can't even drive 55 in the soon-to-be-issued, government required, two-cylinder hybrid subcompact anyway....
