วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 30, 2552

And They Call These Guys "Moderates"!

Mind you, these are not the so-called militants of Gaza, but our "moderate" friends in the West Bank who we are constantly propping up with billions in American aid. From Commentary, the headline says it all:

Sentenced to Die for Selling Real Estate to a Jew

The story is fleshed out in the J-Post:

In the first case of its kind, a Palestinian Authority "military court" on Tuesday sentenced a Palestinian man (Anwar Brigith, age 59) to death by hanging after finding him guilty of selling land to Jews.

The verdict came shortly after the PA's chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, issued yet another fatwa (religious decree) banning Muslims from selling land or houses to Jews.

The accused was also found guilty of violating a law dating back to 1958 that calls for a boycott against Israel, as well as another law from 1953 that bans trade with Israelis.

The judges issued the verdict unanimously and pointed out that the defendant did not have the right to appeal.

The court also decided to confiscate Brigith's money and property.

Again, from Commentary:

....even to these “moderates,” a real-estate transaction with a Jew is a capital offense because it is an article of Palestinian faith that every inch of their country must be rendered Judenrein in order for their national destiny to be fulfilled.

Israel, naturally, is a bit cautious about any automatic agreement to bargin with these type of people in good faith (despite the veiled threats from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama). Who can be opposed to such a common-sense approach (besides the aforementioned twosome)? Why, the EU, of course, who are issuing threats of their own:

Israel warned the European Union on Thursday to tone down its criticism of the new Israeli government or risk forfeiting the bloc's role as broker in Mideast peace efforts.

The warning came after EU's commissioner for external relations, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, this week criticized Israel's refusal to endorse a Palestinian state. She said an upgrade in Israeli-EU relations would depend on Israel's commitment to the "two-state solution."

And don't forget the UN, who would have no purpose in life if it weren't for their obsession with the destruction of the Jewish state:

None of a $4.5 billion package of reconstruction aid recently pledged for the Gaza Strip has got through because of border restrictions, a top U.N. official said on Thursday.

Robert Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said on a visit to Gaza on Thursday the situation was alarming and warned that issues such as Palestinian reconciliation and secure borders had to be addressed.

"In the absence of real progress on issues like Palestinian reconciliation, open crossings, secure borders and a prisoners exchange, the potential for renewed violence is ever-present," Serry said in a statement.

Sounds like a threat to me. And where are these bleeding hearts when it comes to the rights of Mr. Anwar Brigith, who will die for the crime of conducting a sale of private property to a Jew?

Their silence speaks volumes....
