วันอาทิตย์, เมษายน 19, 2552

And New Jersey Finishes....Last

This will come as no suprise to state residents (and likely as no suprise either to Corzine's lying flunkies who claim with a sneer that New Jerseyans are not overtaxed):

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council's 2009 Business Tax Index is out and New Jersey is 50th among the states when it comes to being business friendly.

In addition, the Tax Foundation reports New Jerseyans had to work 119 days in 2009 just to pay their taxes. That's 16 days after the national date. It means that everything you made from Jan. 1 through April 29 goes to taxes at the federal, state or local level.

And yet, Treasurer David Rousseau think's we're not over-taxed. Corzine agrees.

The whole depressing report can be found here...and just for giggles, let's take a look at the 10 worst states to try to survive in:

42) Massachusetts, 43) Vermont, 44) Rhode Island, 45) Iowa, 46) New York, 47) California, 48) Maine, 49) Minnesota, 50) New Jersey, and 51) District of Columbia.

Yup. 10 dark blue states. What a coincidence! Boy, those Democrats really know how to run things...into the ground.

State Senator Joeseph Kyrillos, the last honest man standing in Trenton, tells us the hard cold facts:

...The state Department of Labor reported Wednesday that unemployment rose to 8.3 percent as we shed another 17,000 jobs in March.

Unfortunately, this is only the latest chapter in a statewide trend that began more than eight years ago. Economists are now forecasting that 2001 through 2010 will be the first decade in modern history in which New Jersey suffers a net loss of jobs.

The first decade ruled wire-to-wire by the Democrats. What a coincidence!

Kyrillos gives us one example (page 2 of op-ed) of the genius of the New Jersey Left:

We must roll back the Council on Affordable Housing tax on economic development. Last year, the Legislature and governor passed a law that requires municipalities and commercial developers to subsidize new affordable housing whenever and wherever new projects threaten to create more than 16 new jobs. In other words, COAH penalizes people for creating jobs in the middle of a recession.

Gee, so taxing economic development actually holds back economic development? Who'da thunk it?

Any idiot with a high school diploma, I'd reckon. Which apparently rules out the entire Democratic party of the state of New Jersey...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

MikeGSP กล่าวว่า...

...but government jobs have actually gone up in NJ in the past 10 years.

Nice, eh.