วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 10, 2551

Terrorists Shun Carter

"How low can Jimmy Carter go?" was always a rhetorical question, as the Democratic ex-President kept discovering new moral low ground. But this is priceless; apparently his stock has become so worthless as to have even hardened terrorists rejecting his overtures:

Hezbollah leaders have refused to meet former US President Jimmy Carter, who is on a two-day visit to Lebanon, a Carter spokesman says. Carter, who had expressed his readiness to meet with Lebanon's Hezbollah officials, arrived in Beirut on Tuesday.

"I understand that some of the leaders of Hezbollah have said they were not going to meet with any president or former presidents of the United States," Carter said upon his arrival at Beirut airport, adding that he would meet other leaders.
Carter's spokesman Rick Jafculca said Wednesday that Hezbollah turned down a request to meet Jimmy Carter. "They said they were not able to meet," Jafculca said.

Maybe now that they have a friend in the White House in the person of Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter is no longer a "useful" idiot to them?

And as Mumbai mourns the hundreds dead, as Somali pirates terrorize the high seas, as the missles of Hamas rain down on Israeli cities, Jimmy Carter looks down upon it, as passes judgement:

Jimmy Carter describes Israel's blockade of Gaza as one of the greatest human rights crimes now existing on Earth.

Nice try, Jimmy, to ingratiate yourself to Hezbollah. But they still aren't going to let you through the front door...
