วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 03, 2551

But I Thought She Cost McCain the Election?

Yeah, that's what those skanky left-wing whores wanted you to think, especially as they saw their own feminity challenged by a hotter, more successful, more married version of themselves.

Truth is, Sarah Palin is the golden girl. Re-elected Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, fresh off his runoff win last night, knew who pushed him over the top:

“I can't overstate the impact she had down here,” Chambliss said during an interview Wednesday morning on Fox News. “When she walks in a room, folks just explode,” he added. “And they really did pack the house everywhere we went.

The Republican also thanked John McCain and the other big name Republicans that came to Georgia, but said Palin made the biggest impact. “We had John McCain and Mike Huckabee and Gov. Romney and Rudy Giuliani, but Sarah Palin came in on the last day, did a fly-around and, man, she was dynamite,” he said. “We packed the houses everywhere we went. And it really did allow us to peak and get our base fired up.”

And where was Obama? Hiding behind Hillary Clinton's skirt, no doubt - they both know if the ticket was flipped, Sweet Sarah would be the one constructing a cabinet right around now.

Give the girl a few more years....
