วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 21, 2551

Tito Munoz, or - "Tito the Builder"

I love Sarah Palin.

She's taking the story of Tito Munoz - an immigrant owner of a small construction firm, who simply wants to live the American dream without being punished via regressive taxation - and slamming it back in Obama's socialist face:

“Tito is not pleased with how the Barack Obama campaign and some of the media friends there have been roughing up Joe the Plumber,” Palin said, after accusing the Obama campaign of “investigating” Wurzelbacher’s background.

“He has a question of his own, and Barack Obama is not going to like this one either. Tito wants to know, and I quote, he asked, ‘Why the heck are you going after Joe the Plumber? Joe the Plumber has an idea. He has a future. He wants to be something greater. He wants to be something else. Why is that so wrong?’”

“Tito explained that he’s an immigrant from Colombia and he also had this reminder for us,” Palin continued. “He says, quote, ‘Everything is possible in America. I made it.’”

Not in Barack Obama's America.

Success = punishment via crushing taxation.
Crushing taxation = patriotism.
2008 = 1984....
