วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 07, 2551

Best Flow Chart Ever...

....click here to see an amazing, illustrated flow chart showing how monies flowing to and from ACORN and Barack Obama were at the root of the banking and credit collapse that we are currently witnessing. Ties to George Soros, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd are clearly illustrated in a way that CNN couldn't even cover up (short of standing in front of said chart screaming "Nothing to see here!").

Go into the site, you are overwhelmed with a host of "Democrats for anyone except Obama" links...interesting....

From the home page of the site:

Chicago Democrats know better than to expect a politician, who never lifted a finger to clean up Chicago's corrupt City Hall or the state of Illonios, to clean up Washington. As a community organizer, Obama may have helped register voters and get out the vote via churches on the South Side, BUT the very people who elected him are still suffering! They STILL have rats, they STILL lack consistent water, heat or electricity in the winter, they STILL lack jobs, and they STILL suffer from the highest crime rates in the country!! Obama promised change to their lives too, and there has been NONE— their lives are just as bad or WORSE because of EVERYTHING Obama has NOT done....

And why, exactly, has the media been refusing to tell us this?

1 ความคิดเห็น:

knowitall กล่าวว่า...

The officials in the elitist illuminati positions aren't getting in trouble for their hand in the banks, so what else is new.