วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 18, 2551

More Anti-Semitism From Fat D-List Pseudo-Celebrity

Yup, Roseanne Barr is back in the news - for a swipe at Brad and Angelina. Who gives a f*ck, you say? Well, her attack on Angelina focuses on her dad's (Jon Voight) recent coming-out as a Hollywood conservative (gutsy!), and Roseanne Barr leaps for the jugular like the filthy old dog that she is, and inadvertantly (?) vomits out the trendy "neocon/Jew" connection:

"[Jon Voight] is a frightened little girl in a pink ballet tutu, who acts like Obama just wandered in from the rain forest with a bone thru his nose and a communist pamphlet in his loincloth. The neocons who own jon voight and make him dance on the chabad telethons are the worst most elitist people on earth. glen beck and jon voight are their bitches... both of them are used tampons who must be flushed down the toilet immediately! jon voight your evil spawn angelina jolie and her vacuous hubby brad pitt make about forty million dollars a year in violent psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more. (just sayin')."

Chabad is a form of Lubavitch Judaism:

The founder of the Chabad thought system, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, developed an intellectual system and approach to Judaism intended to answer criticisms of Hasidism as anti-intellectual.

Sigh...it's always about the evil Jews, even in Hollywood....

I'd kick this hate-filled b*tch in the crotch, but I'd hate to ruin the good shine on my shoes....

Past instances of Rosie's anti-Semitic outbursts here, here, and here....

Gateway Pundit reports as well....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

What a shame that nobody told her while growing up that she's a Jew. Such filthy, foul-mouthed vitriol. What happened to the days when celebrities actually supported America, participated in drives for war bonds, and even went off to war?

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Nowadays they make enemy propoganda (Redacted, etc.), pat themselves on the back for being "patriotic", then drive off smugly in their hybrids, returning to their thirty-room mansions...