วันเสาร์, สิงหาคม 09, 2551

Barack Obama: Anti-Christ!

Well, if you see it on the web, it must be true, right?

Especially if the National Review is making the reference (even if it is only to point out that the media blames "sinister GOP operatives " for the, ahem, rumors).

So I did some digging - how would we know this AntiChrist should he walk the earth - and unearthed some startling coincidences:

Antichrist goes about his business by speaking the lie... Revelation 13:12 says, "and he spoke as a dragon...." Revelation 17 tells us that he was a false prophet, a prophet being one whose calling it is to speak and to teach... In his initial attempts to destroy the cause of God, the devil used a serpent to deceive the woman with crooked speech: "You will be like God." Now he uses a "dragon" who speaks crafty, lying words.

His speeches will be heard by millions who will hang on his persuasive rhetoric. The content as well as the form of his speech will attract. Like most false prophets, he will even be sincere and passionate. But he is a liar. He adds dashes of truth to the mix, so that his lie tastes like truth. He will use all the right catchwords, using the language of the church, even throwing in a Bible text or two. But he is the ultimate Liar, and will deceive many.

He will use every tool available: school teachers, politicians, news broadcasters, artists, musicians, scientists and doctors, lawyers and businessmen. All will be pressed into the service of Antichrist to deceive men....


"Persuasive rhetoric"; "the Ultimate Liar"; "news broadcasters"!

I know someone else who is gettng persuaded....anyway, here's more:

The Antichrist--also described in the Bible as the "son of perdition" & the "beast"!
.... he will have great charisma & speaking ability, "a mouth speaking great things".

The Antichrist will rise to power on a wave of world euphoria, as he temporarily saves the world from its desperate economic, military & political problems with a brilliant 7-year plan for world peace, economic stability & religious freedom.

"World euphoria", huh? Hello, Berlin....

There's a dedicated website, which banners itself thusly:

...he has risen up out of no where, he mesmerizes crowds, people are gathering in huge numbers, he is likely becoming the next President of the United States. Do not look only to what I say, but look to your Bibles...

And people have been postulating on the whole Obama/Satan thing since 2004; when many eyes first alit upon The One at the Democratic Convention:

...When I first heard of Barak, a few days ago, the first thing I heard is that he is a guy who came out of nowhere and now many flock to his side. When my wife and I heard this, we both thought the same thing, the anti-christ....

....While I was watching him, the VERY FIRST thought that came to my mind was asking the Lord if I was looking at the AC. ....

...He has an eerie magnetism...I'm going with my gut on this one. My sister and I both feel something "spooky" about this guy, but can't quite figure out what it is.

My favorite- same thread:

....If he turns out to not be the antichrist, then his message is a good thing.

Well, this whole thing bears following, folks - even if Snopes claims that the rumors are "false"...

But finally - I'm down with this guy's conclusion:

But until someone gives me a reasonable explanation for his popularity, I'm going to leave the door to this thought open, just a crack...

Yeah. I'm still waiting for that explanation, by the way...

UPDATE: "Get yer Obama-is-the-antichrist T-shirts here!"

UPDATE II: Go here, and see how the media is blaming the Republicans for the fact that the Democrats nominated the spawn of Satan...

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I've been analyzing the Obama Mccain presidential campaign in the last month from Italy. I was very struck when I came across your blog. I will try to explain my point of you, with the words of a profound and dedicated believer.

I don't think you need scriptures to remember that God is Love. You are with God when you are in harmony. I think a true believer wouldn't feel fear or hatred even in front of the devil itself. A believer fights evil day by day just like when extinguishing an unwanted fire: he pours water on it, without hating the fire itself.
By contrast, a believer with hatred in its heart, is possessed by evil. He is not fully loyal to his Law.
If you keep calling and recalling the antichrist this entity will possess your mind and the more you talk about it the more it will grow in yourself, and around yourself.
The way i see it, the antichrist is never just a single person. It is a broader spiritual happening bringing chaos, death and hatred involving various persons and emergent influences of the system.
The antichrist is not a single episode: it is recurrent. It happens on a small scale or in a macro scale. Hitler is one example.
Any sexual abuse could be a micro example.
If Christ is love, the antichrist is fear, a phenomenon that tends to kill life at its root.
When fear becomes collective, evil takes easily its seat at the top. Could you imagine what would happen if the majority of americans were persuaded that Obama is the antichrist? There would be a climate of collective terror and fear. When people become irrational, it is easier for the bad guys (the knights of apocalypse in the bible) to take power.
This is to say: if you are a believer and don't like Obama, just keep it rational, don't vote for him, promote McCain and so on. If you guys keep obsessing with horrible concepts like the antichrist, you are just disseminating fear inside and outside yourself.
I was watching the campaign through videos on the net, and I found that the only "weird" thing going on is that you have a black man running for elections, with a communications team that works much better than McCain's. There is much well paid professional advisory work behind Obama, and the guy is naturally talented to talk at crowds. He is very much on the left. It is normal to feel disgusted when looking at fans the opposing candidate. It happens all the time to me with Berlusconi's folks.
But i do not think that Berlusconi himself is the antichrist. I just think he is a son of the times.
Take it easy, Obama will not win these elections because i think it is very unlikely for a black candidate to win. If you feel disgusted by his messianic styles, just do your activist work, but please do not mess around with highly polluting concepts like the antichrist. It is just a highly obsessing and useless concept. And it sound very weird from a European perspective to aknowledge that electors in the most powerful nation in the world are thinking in these terms.