วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 25, 2551

Madonna: Shilling for McCain?

Well, of course not. But her immature antics are so over the top that it reminds me of the celebrity behavior that started to drive more folks towards Bush in 2004:

John McCain's campaign hit back at Madonna on Sunday after the pop diva kicked off her world tour with a concert that bracketed the US presidential candidate with Adolf Hitler.

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds angrily condemned the segment of Madonna's concert in Cardiff on Saturday that appeared to draw a comparison between McCain, Hitler and Zimbabwean strongman Robert Mugabe.

"The comparisons are outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time," Bounds said in a statement reported by Fox News.
"It clearly shows that when it comes to supporting
Barack Obama, his fellow worldwide celebrities refuse to consider any smear or attack off limits."

Madonna's apparent swipe at McCain came during a performance of the song "Get Stupid", when the Republican contender's image was flashed up alongside images of destruction and global warming as well as Hitler and Mugabe.

As opposed to her juxtapositioning the Messiah with...:

Towards the end of the song, pictures of Beatles star John Lennon, former US vice-president Al Gore, Indian Mahatma Gandhi and McCain's Democrat rival Barack Obama appeared.

Is this election going to be about "change", as Obama and the media are trying to dictate? No, John McCain has already co-opted the dialogue - Eection 2008 is going to be about celebrity, and who's got less of it.

When the call comes at 3 AM, do you really want the President to send it to voice mail because he is texting sweet nothings to Scarlett Johansson?

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A desperate grab for attention by a middle-aged no-nothng whore.

And yes, every badmouthing of McCain by a Hollywood type adds more votes than it subtracts. Seems like if these self-professed "masters of the universe" had even half a brain, they would have seen how well this strategy worked in 2004.