วันอังคาร, กรกฎาคม 01, 2551

A Short Hiatus

Work and vacation will be all-consuming for the next 17-0dd days; might as well go on an official short break as opposed to my lame-ass, once-a -week posts that have shown up for most of June...

Oh, I'll be back.

Do you think I am going to let that "Obamination" breeze thru the election season without feeling my (verbal) wrath? Or Frank Lautenburg, who like all aged liberals would rather die in his civil service job rather than see someone else assume his perks?

The media is giddy with expectations of a Democratic sweep; but their hype masks their fears (or highlights their ignorance). Bush the First trailed Dukakis by 17 points in the national polls in the summer of '88, yet went on to wallop him by a 40-10 margin (in electoral votes). And did not Dewey lead Truman by six percentage points (Obama's average lead) up until election day 1948? Ah, I believe mistakes were made back then as well....

Saddle up, folks. It's gonna be a wild ride....

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I like that - "Obamination"!