วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 25, 2551

Obamanation - the final chapter (today)

I'll leave it to James Taranto to close my out my four-post rant against The Annointed One; as he ruminates about what bothered him so about the whole "Barack in Berlin" spectacle:

If Obama had waited six months and delivered this speech as president, we might have objected to some of its substance (if any). But we'd say it is bad form for him to give a speech overseas that his audience will interpret, as Spörl did, as coming from the next president of the United States. If he becomes president, Obama will have earned the right to speak on behalf of America.

We the people are entitled to have our say first.

One would think, based on the coverage, that his head has already been annointed with oil....methinks that upon his return, Jesus H. Christ himself would get rougher treatment at the hands of the media than Saint Barack....
