วันเสาร์, มกราคม 05, 2551

You Learn Something New Every Day....

....even if it is from a link close to six years old. Yeah, Hillary was booed off the stage the other night at a Democratic gathering, but if you didn't know this was not the first time, well, there is a reason for that:

Senator Clinton was booed when she walked on stage last October at a rock concert in Madison Square Garden to benefit 9/11 victims. It was shown live by VH1 but, as ABC's John Stossel illustrated in a July 20/20 special on media distortions, when the Viacom-owned cable channel replayed it sound technicians replaced the booing with cheering and applause. And that version is the permanent record VH1 put onto its DVD of the event.

Wonder if we'll start to see the same courtesy extended to their newest darling...
