วันอาทิตย์, มกราคม 06, 2551

Agents of CHANGE ?

Reminds me of Maxwell Smart's KAOS....

Two theories of CHANGE, from NRO:

I love it every time Hillary says "I've been an agent of change" - it makes CHANGE sound like some deeply sinister SMERSH-type acronym. Was she like Valerie Plame? A covert agent of CHANGE?

CHANGE defined:

....on Hillary's covert work as an agent of C*H*A*N*G*E, Mark and Jonah just figured out what the acronym stands for: Corporate Hatred And New Government Expenditures.

Scarier than KAOS, indeed....

KAOS. An International organisation of evil formed in 1904 in Bucharest to forment global unrest and revolution. Agent 86, Maxwell Smart, disputed the inception date, claiming it was more like 1957. I don't think anytone really knows if the letters individually stand for anything or whether it's just intened to be a play against its nemesis, good-guy spy organization CONTROL. Maybe the artist meant to letter CHAOS but missed it by 'that' much!
