วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 10, 2551

Racist Democrats Dragging Down Obama ?

So the polls were wrong - way wrong - and the empty suit took a "shocking" defeat at the hands of the harpy in New Hampshire.

The media, calling this wrong as usual, are loathe to find fault within their bandwagon-jumping souls. So who to blame for this tremendous failure in tea-leave reading? Why, the racist residents of this little Northern state, that's who ! Telling the pollsters they would vote for Obama, and then gleefully pulling a lever for the Wicked Witch of Westchester - how shameful !

One problem with this narrative, however - it is the textbook definition of "pissing into the wind" :

It's worth underscoring, though, that this was a Democratic primary, and that (if exit polls are to be believed) registered independents went heavily for Obama. If Mrs. Clinton benefited from antiblack prejudice, then, it was antiblack prejudice on the part of Democrats.

That's gotta hurt. Truth does that, though...

Funny too that some of the most vile accusations whispered against Obama were by his primary foes...coincidentally, also Democrats:

...Actually, it was (Democrat) Bob Kerrey doing the whole secret-muslim thing and (Democrat) Bill Shaheen doing the sold-cocaine thing and (Democrat) Andrew Young doing the Bill Clinton's-slept-with-more-black-women-than-Obama thing.

Methinks once the media realizes what the warm liquid splashing into their face is, they'll tone down the "race angle" for a while. But it'll come back. Once they believe they can work it to their advantage again...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Seeing as how Hillary was married to the "First Black President," I figure that qualifies her to be black as much as it qualifies her to be president, yo.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Heh. Obama then becomes the "Second Black President". The irony is so thick...
Never did I think I would find the Democratic primaries so enjoyable !