วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 20, 2549

Recording Industry Hits Rock Bottom!

Well, this was a 6AM jaw-dropper:

Piracy suit being dropped against NY mom

The recording industry is giving up its lawsuit against Patti Santangelo, a mother of five who became the best-known defendant in the industry's battle against music piracy.

However, two of her children are still being sued.

The five companies suing Santangelo, of Wappingers Falls, filed a motion Tuesday in federal court in White Plains asking Judge Colleen McMahon to dismiss the case. Their lead counsel, Richard Gabriel, wrote in court papers that the record companies still believe they could win damages against Santangelo but their preference was to "pursue defendant's children."

Can't beat up the grownups, so let's gang up on little kids! Isn't that the same mentality that drives child molesters?

Maybe if the music industry would actually try to develop new artists, instead of constantly churning out one-hit imitations of last week flavor (then dropping them when they fail to sell a million units), they might actually have, you know, a more successful business model? So that you don't constantly have to stalk the nation's children in order to serve legal papers to ten year old file swappers?

As a music lover, it pains me to say this, but I have never seen an industry so worthy of its own demise...

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

For once something I can agree with you about. What the recording industry doesn't understand is that downloading songs leads to greater concert sales which will in turn lead to more album sales down the road and more money for them and the artist.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

$18 for a CD how greedy can they get?!!
Sell it for $10 and people will buy them.