วันเสาร์, ธันวาคม 23, 2549

Jimmy Carter - A Eulogy for his Sanity?

From an editorial in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Melvin Konner, a professor of anthropology at Carter's beloved Emory University, wonders what went screwy with his favorite ex-president:

A former president whose legacy has rested on bringing about peace between Arabs and Jews has turned his back on that to become a partisan. A man whose Christian values made him see both sides in a tragic conflict has become blind to one side's suffering. A man who walked in paths of peace has now become an obstacle to peace.

For me, it means the loss of one of my greatest heroes. I have never allowed a snide remark about Jimmy Carter's "failed" presidency to pass without contradicting it. I have said countless times that he is the greatest former president...

I don't recognize Carter any more. I am afraid of him now, for myself and for my children. He has not just turned his back on the balance and fairness that all peacemaking depends on. He has become a spokesman for the enemies of my people. He has become an apologist for terrorists.

He has said or hinted repeatedly that Jews control the Congress and the media, a classic anti-Semitic slur. It seems that Cuban-Americans can speak up on Cuba, Irish-Americans can support the IRA, Mexican-Americans can lobby on immigration law, but when Jewish-Americans speak our minds about Israel, we don't deserve the same constitutional protections and a former president can try to silence us.

Carter has changed. Something has happened to his judgment. I don't understand what it is, but I know it is very dangerous. At a minimum, his legacy is irrevocably tarnished, and he will never again be a factor in the quest for Middle East peace. At worst, he is emboldening terrorists and their apologists in the Arab world, encouraging them to go on with their terror campaign and refuse even to recognize Israel's right to just exist.
We know what happens when the right of Jews to exist is denied, but Carter has forgotten. The "Historical Chronology" at the beginning of his book starts with Abraham and grows more detailed in modern times. But between 1939 and 1947 there is . . . nothing!
In the text, the history of Jewish suffering is accorded five lines, and the Holocaust is barely mentioned in passing.

Carter's bizarre book is a poisoned holiday gift for Jews and Christians, and a danger to Jews throughout the world.

More from
Glenn Renyolds:

I think Carter hoped that this book would cement his reputation for history. And I think it has.

I am curious to see which way media coverage of Carter begins to tilt. More coverage suggests an endorsement of his ideas (see Cindy Sheehan, John Murtha); less implies that even the MSM believes there may be a peanut loose in Jimmah's brain. What does trouble me is the seat of power Carter held at the 2004 Democratic Convention. How much sway does this doddering racist hold over the rest of his party? Not that there is any lack of willing ears for his rants - see James Moran,
Earnest Hollings, Richard Durbin - for openers...

The great philosopher Homer J. Simpson had it right when he
said, after quaffing a can of Billy Beer:

Mmmm...we elected the wrong Carter.

